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Providers Advocacy League (PAL)

The Providers Resource Network® is established to link consumers and coordinators with appropriately matched service providers to ensure a continuum of care, ease of application, and advocacy for the best interests of clients and their services providers.  

PRN™ ensures appropriately matched services for consumers by establishing a Services Pool of Providers; a database representing a range of services by human services organizations that best matches consumers with services based on information obtained by the client representative of the consumer and services providers or their respective programs.   

The Providers Advocacy League™ (PAL) is the Network’s association for human services providers to share key issues that influence the quality and quantity of services they provide.  Issues such as best interests of consumers as seen by providers, state policy, licensure, funding, and topics of conflict and interest are discussed in a monthly meeting. The PRN™ PAL will host conference, training, fund raising, advocacy, and an array of other services including membership benefits; including discount vacationing, insurance, auto sales, and more. 

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